This is why we have made the order placement and retrieval system very facile for clients, especially for the works cognate to embroidery digitizing and vectorizing.
There are numerous payment options to operate from so as to suit everyone's accommodation. It has additionally been made possible to make a single payment for multiple invoices in one go thus preserving lots of time for the users. You may additionally plan to make month-end payments for all invoices. This flexibility to be able to pay hebdomadally, monthly, or invoice sagacious is a unique feature that is not available anywhere else.
All famed service providers of Downside Cards and Credit Cards both online as well as offline. “SMARTPUNCH EMBROIDERY” module has been designed to fence credit/ downside card information. Either while making the payments through your cards, the dopehead makes the payment by feeding asked information directly with no need to load your credit card details on our website.
Phone(US only)
This facility enables the utilizer to make payment by calling a USA registered phone no.
This is one of the most popular ways of making payment. Visually examining the catching popularity and facilitating of handling payments thru PayPal we recommend users to solemnly evolve this option.
Wire Transfer
The users can additionally enable the option of wire mazuma transfer to us
Purchase Orders
For the accommodation of our customers, we are to accept Purchase Order payments additionally.
This is a site homogeneous to PayPal and is widely accepted all over the world, especially in the EuroZone.
Utilizers can rest assured after reading the above that we provide them full flexibility to make payment from all possible payment options with the sole purport of making the whole experience seamless and convenient. We hope that this will integrate value to the utilizer experience and gives the flexibility to pay after every order, every week, or every month, do as you opiate.